
Choosing the Right Digital Marketing Agency: Why Expertise and Communication Matter

Choosing the Right Digital Marketing Agency: Why Expertise and Communication Matter

Selecting the right digital marketing agency is crucial for any business aiming to excel. At Impakt, we combine deep expertise in digital marketing with exceptional communication, setting up every campaign for success. What Digital Marketing Services Are You Looking For? Social Media Ads: How can…
Content Repurposing: Maximizing Value Across Platforms

Content Repurposing: Maximizing Value Across Platforms

With all the online channels available to you today, your brand has more opportunities to reach your audience than ever before. Each channel has its own unique features and preferred formats, and with that comes unique audiences that respond better to certain types of content over others. But you…
Key Steps & Strategies When Determining Your Target Audience

Key Steps & Strategies When Determining Your Target Audience

Finding your target audience is a crucial step in social media advertising as it ensures that your marketing efforts are directed towards the group of people most likely to be interested in your product or service. Understanding your target audience enhances the effectiveness of your campaigns by…
5 Ways To Improve Responsive Search Ads

5 Ways To Improve Responsive Search Ads

Google has continued to improve their response search ads (RSA’s) for more engagement and increase conversion rate, but there are still other opportunities to take optimizations into your own hands. We are going to walkthrough five different ways to increase the performance of your RSA’s to…
Building a Stronger Business: The Power of Honest Communication, Constructive Criticism, and Regular Check-Ins

Building a Stronger Business: The Power of Honest Communication, Constructive Criticism, and Regular Check-Ins

Hey all! Chris here again, and I'm here to talk about the impact of honest communication, criticism, and strategy with regular check-ins! In today’s business landscape, clarity and precision are keys to navigating the complexities of fast-moving markets. Honest communication underpins this by…
Converting Automotive Datafeeds for Facebook Catalogues

Converting Automotive Datafeeds for Facebook Catalogues

Tackling interesting problems is why I love web development. In this post, I will outline what the problem was, and what I did to fix it. If I succeed in this post, it will be digestible to any business owner. Although the problem was incredibly specific, my goal is to convey that our team is…
Four Important Tactics For Scaling Your Brand’s Sales

Four Important Tactics For Scaling Your Brand’s Sales

While building a successful ad agency over the last decade, I have come to the realization that there are a few key elements that are required to scale a brand’s online sales. This comes from my perspective of being involved in digital marketing through a unique time. Not discrediting my…
How to Choose Winning Creative for Facebook Ads

How to Choose Winning Creative for Facebook Ads

With the platform's ever-changing algorithms and fierce competition, creating winning visuals for Facebook has become crucial for achieving success. In this guide, we'll explore key strategies and tips to help you choose the best creative for your Facebook ad campaigns. Understand Your Audience The…
Building The Right Systems For Marketing Your Business

Building The Right Systems For Marketing Your Business

Over the years I’ve built many systems for my agency business. That doesn’t mean I’ve had to be the one actually doing the work. Pretty much at every level I have either built the systems we use or had my hand in its creation. What I’m referring to is that I’ve been involved as either the…
Beyond the Screen: How Website Accessibility Shapes Our Digital World

Beyond the Screen: How Website Accessibility Shapes Our Digital World

In today's digitally driven world, website accessibility is not just a buzzword; it's a pivotal aspect of web development that ensures everyone, including people with disabilities, can access and benefit from online content. But what exactly is website accessibility, and why should businesses…
Marketing Software Essentials

Marketing Software Essentials

I’ve found over the years that it’s essential to have the proper software in play for your business to help run the marketing and sales side of operations. We have tried several different routes managing these crucial daily procedures, including doing them manually. As time progressed, our needs…
Three User-Friendly Tools To Help Upgrade Your Content

Three User-Friendly Tools To Help Upgrade Your Content

If you’re selling products online in 2024, chances are that you’re constantly on the lookout for new ways to generate content for your brand and showcase your offer. With the seemingly endless list of editing tools and software available, it can be a daunting (and costly) task to figure out…
AI Uses For Marketing Your Business

AI Uses For Marketing Your Business

Have you ever wondered what all the hype is about using AI tools such as ChatGPT and other resources in the last year? Well today I’m here to show you how you can use these tools in your marketing to help expedite tasks that typically are time consuming, especially if you have other items you need…
Google Bidding Strategy Basics

Google Bidding Strategy Basics

There are tens of thousands of transactions happening on the Google Ads platform, but what determines when your ad is shown? One of the major factors is your bidding strategy. Outside of just the bid Google makes for your ad, they also take into account your audience’s conversion intent, your…
Understanding Metrics for Year Over Year Growth

Understanding Metrics for Year Over Year Growth

Hey there, it's Chris, your go-to Customer Love Agent at Impakt! Today, I want to chat about something that's crucial for your business but can sometimes feel like a bit of a headache: metrics. Specifically, let's dive into the world of ROAS, CTR, and individual campaign performance. Trust me,…
Inbox Mastery: Elevate Your Email/SMS Marketing Game

Inbox Mastery: Elevate Your Email/SMS Marketing Game

Email/SMS marketing stands tall, with 30% of global marketers swearing by its unmatched return on investment. It's not just a channel; it's your gateway to exceptional returns and customer engagement. A good rule of thumb to diagnose whether or not you are utilizing this channel effectively is by…
Maximizing Your Shopify Store: A Beginner’s Guide to Success

Maximizing Your Shopify Store: A Beginner’s Guide to Success

Starting a new venture into the world of e-commerce can be thrilling yet daunting, especially when you're aiming to carve out your niche on platforms like Shopify. Shopify provides an expansive toolkit for entrepreneurs looking to sell online, but knowing how to leverage these tools effectively can…
Mini Overview of Advertising Strategies for Social Media

Mini Overview of Advertising Strategies for Social Media

While there isn’t a “set list” of winning strategies for paid advertising, I’m going to go through some of my favorite tactics that can really make a difference. How to fine-tune creative for Facebook/Instagram Choose eye-catching visuals Content is kingSocial media has made attention spans…
Google Lighthouse: The Hidden Score Behind Every Website

Google Lighthouse: The Hidden Score Behind Every Website

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, a business's website is more than just a digital storefront. It's a vital cog in the machinery of online success. Enter Google Lighthouse, a tool that's revolutionizing how businesses perceive and improve their websites. But what exactly is Google Lighthouse,…
How To Make User-Generated Content Work For Your Brand

How To Make User-Generated Content Work For Your Brand

In an online world that is ruled by content, it can be challenging for brands to keep up with the pace needed to consistently produce fresh and interesting assets to showcase to their audience. Even when you have an in-house content production team, you are often limited to only showing your product…
What is Pay Per Click (PPC) Marketing?

What is Pay Per Click (PPC) Marketing?

Digital marketing encompasses a lot of possible platforms and services. They vary from social media marketing (organic or paid), search engine optimization (SEO), forum marketing (reddit ads, etc.), and finally pay per click marketing. PPC marketing is a form of digital marketing where advertisers…
Enhancing Collaboration: The Role of Clear Communication Between Impakt and You

Enhancing Collaboration: The Role of Clear Communication Between Impakt and You

Hello there! I'm Chris, Impakt's Customer Love Agent, and today I want to delve into a fundamental aspect of our collaboration - clear communication. In this dynamic exchange, precision is paramount, ensuring that every message sent contributes to a better understanding of our mutual goals. In the…
Copy that Converts - Mastering the Art of Facebook Ad Copy

Copy that Converts - Mastering the Art of Facebook Ad Copy

Dinosaurs have reached the moon! Weird way to kick off an article on ad copy, right? But that quirky hook succeeded in reeling you in for more – and that's our goal here: to captivate your attention in unexpected ways. So, let's dive into the unconventional terrain of ad copy. Understanding the…
3 Tips To Optimize Your Automotive Website

3 Tips To Optimize Your Automotive Website

Over the last 6 years or so, Impakt has tested over 10 million users with interests in the automotive industry. My name is Mike, and I lead the web team at Impakt. We have worked with brands like FMF, Guts Racing, the biggest bike graphics names, and companies that make everything from side by side…
Tips For New Businesses Starting Out In The Digital Marketing World

Tips For New Businesses Starting Out In The Digital Marketing World

As we all know, social media is ever-changing. But, we are breaking marketing down to the core and are sharing our top 5 tips for new businesses before they act on marketing efforts. First and foremost ensure that you fully understand your business's needs.Why is your product or service unique?/ How…
What We Learned After Using The Facebook Conversion API On Over 20 Websites

What We Learned After Using The Facebook Conversion API On Over 20 Websites

The latest IOS update has caused many mobile users to block the standard Facebook Pixel script. For the past few weeks, we have been guiding business owners through these changes. As of the publication of this article, George and I have helped over 20 business owners migrate to the new Facebook API…
Split Page Testing: CRO And UTM At Work

Split Page Testing: CRO And UTM At Work

UTM is a format, introduced by Google Analytics, that can track unique URLs that a company creates when consumers use them to see how customers behave. Less commonly referred to by its full name, Urchin Tracking Module, it can be utilized in many ways and definitely works well with CRO. CRO, or…
IOS Privacy, Existential Threat To Digital Advertising, Or New Opportunity?

IOS Privacy, Existential Threat To Digital Advertising, Or New Opportunity?

Last week Apple dropped an absolute bombshell on the digital marketing community, but from the update there may be some new opportunities. In this article, I will explain what I believe to be a balanced perspective on all the IOS 14 updates. I want to give a quick disclaimer. I am going to tackle…
Conversion Rate Optimization: What Does It Do? How Does It Help?

Conversion Rate Optimization: What Does It Do? How Does It Help?

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is the process of raising the percentage of visitors that take a given action. The action is most commonly measured by purchases, but leads and user engagement can be used as well. Our clients want people to become buyers, and they have to figure out what causes…
4 Reasons Why Clickfunnels Courses Suck

4 Reasons Why Clickfunnels Courses Suck

Clickfunnels is excellent at making sales, but it doesn’t really care about helping the customer actually learn the material after the purchase is complete. After all, when someone buys your $697 course, you have their money. Clickfunnels is in the business of helping the creator sell the course,…